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The Evergreen Page

Image by Arnaud Mesureur

Some of the materials generated by our clients are of such universal relevance that we want to translate them into more languages than originally requested. We call these texts "evergreen" because they are always available for translation by anyone at any time, and never go out of date.

As translators you can use these texts to hone your skills. Even if your language has already been translated, you can still have a crack at it for your own benefit. Think of it as practice with a purpose!The clients may or may not use the extra translations, as even free translations require money and energy in terms of production. But you will be credited in our system nonetheless.


If you do complete any of the translations, please submit them to us using the form at the bottom of this page. We'll then add them to your totals and offer them to the clients.


Check out the evergreen projects below!

Why Evergreen?

These texts are relevant to so many contexts all round the world, and could be of benefit to speakers of many languages: not just he initial languages into which we translate them. 


There is no deadline for Evergreen texts. Simply do them whenever you feel inspired!


There is no limit to how many translators can collaborate on Evergreen texts. If you want to do it alone, feel free – or why not invite others to join in?

Project types

Evergreen Projects currently fall into  the four main categories below. Scroll down under the images to discover a world of opportunities! And remember to fill in the submission form when you're done, so that we can credit you on the Dashboard.

Discover our Evergreen collection


Once you're done, send us a message via this form, and upload your translation, so we can add it to your ProZ Pro Bono word count on the Dashboard.

Upload file here (Max 15MB)

Thanks for submitting!

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