She was gone. She had passed away. The reality of her death haunted me every day,
and the pain was unbearable. I missed her terribly (I still do!). It felt as if there was no
longer any reason to get out of bed. Despite needing to care for my parents, I felt an
inner numbness. I yearned to escape to a place devoid of memories, where her
presence wouldn’t linger in the clothes, smells, or food. But such a place proved
As the months passed, I found myself one morning in bed, aimlessly scrolling
through my phone. My eyes, blurred with tears, stumbled upon an advertisement
about a translation mentorship. Intrigued, I read through the details and considered
the price. It seemed like a potential opportunity.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on
There were two paths before me: succumb to depression or find a new purpose.
Initially, the mentorship seemed straightforward, and I was filled with excitement. I
diligently studied the lessons and followed the advice given. Before I knew it, I was
translating various mock tests and using a CAT tool. I even created a profile on ProZ.
For a 65-year-old, I was doing quite well, or so I thought. Despite reaching out to
agencies and sending out my CV, I wasn’t getting any responses. Then, I came across
the words “pro bono service” on ProZ. I read about it and decided that this was what I
wanted to do, at least for the time being.
I joined the project and was greeted with a warm welcome email, inviting me to
participate in the project activities. I attended a weekly meeting (the Open House),
where I saw faces from all over the world on my computer screen. Everyone was
smiling, and a charismatic man led the conversation, asking questions and discussing
the project. We were divided into small groups for discussion. Time flew by, and when
the meeting ended, I realised I could have easily spent a few more hours with these
people. I eagerly awaited the next meeting.

Today, I am actively involved in the project, and I try not to miss any OHs.
I am engaged in my greatest passion, surrounded by people who motivate me.
I’m currently writing this blog and sharing a slice of my life with you.
The main purpose of this account is to express my gratitude.
It’s incredible how people can touch your life and your heart in ways they may never
realise. It’s a wonderful feeling to interact with them, even if it’s just through a
computer screen. I’ve come to think of them as friends, imagining their lives, their
struggles, and their joys. That’s why I enjoy our WhatsApp groups so much.
I am particularly grateful to Andrew, the charismatic man who inspires me with his
enthusiasm and passion. He has been a true mentor, guiding me to become not only
a better professional but also a better person.
My life has taken a new turn, and I now have plans for the future. I find the project
increasingly fulfilling, with many challenges. I have ideas and aspirations to improve
things, but above all, I want to make a difference in people’s lives. I hope I am making
a difference, even if it’s just a small one. I hope I have inspired you to join this amazing
team of volunteers!
I wish I could tell my parents how proud and happy I am to be a translator. Yes, I may
be confined to my room at times, but I am not alone. I do not feel lonely with all of
you keeping me company. My sister is with me, and the wind continues to blow. One
day, we will meet again.
And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one, and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll
And she’s buying a stairway to heaven
I dedicate this account to the loving memory of my sister, Marinês.
Thank you so much for reading and for your kind comments, my friends!
Love and hugs,
Sílvia H Marin
Thank you, Silvia!
Beautiful and inspiring!
I share some feelings with you. I'm starting my life again.
It has been difficult, but the possibility to work with words, with ideas and with people from around the world is giving me hope.
I am grateful for this opportunit!
How very moving and inspiring! Thank you, Silvia, for sharing your journey with us.
A very moving end to your series Sylvia! I was incredibly touched by your words. Thank you for sharing a slice of your life. Love from sunny Bordeaux (at least today) 😃
Dear Silvia,
Your story really touched my heart. More or less we have the same feeling. Having read your story I feel I am not alone anymore. Thank you
My dear friend Yuna, I am deeply grateful for your beautiful comment and for the bond we have created. Yes, many thanks to the ones who made all of this possible. Much more love back at you, lovely Yuna! Thank you again! 💐