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Our ProZ Pro Bono Ambassadors are all volunteer translators who have agreed to take on the additional role of contacting local clients and representing the program on social media, at conferences and wherever the opportunity arises. If you would like to become an Ambassador, contact Chinthi at

Victor Orngu Gbashinbo

Victor Orngu Gbashinbo

Fiorella Parodi Gabbiani

Fiorella Parodi Gabbiani

Anastasija Artiomova

Anastasija Artiomova

Yuna Guillamot

Yuna Guillamot

Mary Anderson

Mary Anderson

Santiago Valencia Arias

Santiago Valencia Arias

Subrina Afrin Urmy

Subrina Afrin Urmy

Mica Ruiz

Mica Ruiz

Tousse Blessing

Tousse Blessing

Silvia Alejandra Vázquez García

Silvia Alejandra Vázquez García

Ammar Naif

Ammar Naif

Antje Bothin

Antje Bothin

Paola Benedetti

Paola Benedetti

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